Propellant-Free Continuous Dispensing for Airless Products
Ideal for Oxygen-sensitive Creams and Lotions
Imagine marketing your airless products with quiet, smooth, effortless (no-pump) continuous dispensing without any of the limitations associated with current aerosol technologies: propellants, cylindrical canisters, coatings and costly/complex production, handling, storage, transportation and safety requirements.
Choose a GreenSpense package for your airless product and go from pump packaging to continuous-dispensing packaging, instantly, without changing your formulation! And deliver your oxygen-sensitive creams and lotions in uniquely-creative, eco-friendly, long-shelf-life packages that consumers will always enjoy using.
Filled on Standard Filling Lines
GreenSpense’s patent-pending, high-barrier solution is adaptable for nearly any formulation and fits standard 1-inch valves. The solution applies high pressure on the product contents, delivering the continuous-dispensing experience that consumers expect, at any angle and with no chilling effect.
Go Green!
Consumer preference for green products is growing steadily. Personal health concerns, protecting the environment and passing on a healthy planet to the next generation are all reasons that many people buy green alternatives when such products are readily available, work just as well and don’t cost more than the conventional versions. GreenSpense technology is a key enabler in support of this trend.